Interview with Prof. Dr. Schaschek
Interview with Prof. Dr. Schaschek

Professor Dr. Schaschek has 14 years of teaching experience, having spent 12 working at HdM. He offers PMT students courses in 3D Printing, Offset Printing and Product Developement.
How would you describe your teaching philosophy?
Planting a seed of curiosity
What inspired you to become a professor and what is your favorite part about teaching at HdM?
Having taught before it seemed to be a good idea to try to transfer knowledge and know-how that was acquired in academic and industrial work to the coming generations.
What do you value most about the PMT major/curriculum?
The PMT curriculum covers the vast majority of printing technologies. The industrial workflows are used thus giving good insight.
What are some common characteristics, passions, and/or career goals of student in the PMT major?
There is probably no standardized PMT student, but I see that PMT students want to work in an technical environment, but are not total techies. Beside the traditional graphic industry students who try to get into the field of industrial printing.
What advice would you give to students entering the PMT program?
Understanding the world starts with an openness towards it. A world of technology is ruled more or less by formal things like Math, Physics and Software. Thus openness to these fields and similar ones helps get a glimpse of the beauty behind it.
What advice would you give students for being successful in your courses?
Realize that everyone has to work on his own future, it can’t be done by others. Look for friends / colleagues to talk about the topics. Explain to others to find out what and how you may improve. Try to find the beauty even in the driest matter.
What advice would you give to students graduating from the PMT program?
In addition to the advice above, I’d say to look for balance.