Interview with Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Weichmann
Interview with Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Weichmann

Professor Dipl.-Phys. Weichmann has gained 12 years of teaching experience at HdM. He offers students courses in Gravure Printing, Pre-Media and Pre-Press, Information Technology, Metrology and Mechatronics.
How would you describe your teaching philosophy?
I like my students to understand what the lecture is about. That’s why I work on conveying the content in such a way that it is didactically prepared in the best possible way. However, the subject matter is often complex, so the students’ learning efforts are crucial. Consequently I like to combine theory with practical experience. In computer science, for example, students first learn programming and then apply the contents of the lecture directly afterwards in the exercises.
What inspired you to become a professor and what is your favorite part about teaching at HdM?
Printing and all related areas are a very interesting field of business and knowledge. I have worked in this field for almost 20 years in the industry. To pass on this knowledge to young people who can then bring it into the industry together with their enthusiasm and fertilise it is my motivation. The spatial, equipment and personnel possibilities at the HdM are an ideal environment for this goal.
What do you value most about the PMT major/curriculum?
The degree programme is a good mix of theory and practice. Especially in the later semesters, when you work on interesting topics in small groups, the supervision and work with the students is the most fun.
What are some common characteristics, passions, and/or career goals of student in the PMT major?
Many students are familiar with the media industry and are interested in the production of communication products, whether in the form of printed matter, websites, packaging or films. The areas in which they can work are diverse: with brand owners, printers, agencies prepress companies, in the supply industry such as the paper industry, with printing machine manufacturers, etc. Thus, a position in the development department, in sales or in purchasing – depending on the student’s preferences – can be a first career goal. After a few years, it is often possible to obtain a management position in such departments.
What advice would you give to students entering the PMT program?
Our students graduate with the degree ‘Bachelor of Engineering’ or B.Eng. in short. So one should be interested in technology and have some practical skills. Our students are taught mathematics, physics, computer science, materials science and must also be interested in scientific topics, because they form the indispensable basis for the advanced engineering courses and for working in industry or in a technical field. It is also about learning abstract thinking.
What advice would you give to students graduating from the PMT program?
Please learn German during your studies at HdM. German language skills are especially needed in the fifth semester during an internship that our students complete in a company or corporate. It is very important to be able to move and communicate in German at an appropriate level, even in internationally oriented companies.